These answers are purely from from a personal perspective , please contact your healthcare professional for any advise you may need
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In the winter when its cold my bag would struggle to stick and just putting my hand over it for 5-10 minutes would help. In the heat it wouldn’t stick because of sweat so have to make sure the skin is totally sweat free. You can also put the bag on the radiator this can warm it up and help it stick better
I found there were some tweeks to my wardrobe, sometimes you can see the stoma bag through a t-shirt or vest particularly for women so you may choose to wear something baggy instead to cover the bag . I personally preferred to wear some thing bigger so the bag couldn't be seen
There is no reason why you can't travel, speak with your stoma nurse for hints and tips for travelling. I didn’t go abroad with it but I travel in my current role on the road so no office no toilet and I managed it by taking regular breaks and use of public toilets. If I was really struggling then I would just go home but the support of your employer is paramount. Once you get use to your out put which for some people may be morning or evening then it becomes easier to plan your day around when you may need to empty the bag
I was advised to have a liquid diet for 24hrs. If this should happen to you contact your nurse to check there isn’t anything else wrong with your stoma especially if there is pain that is unbearable and you are vomitting. Should this be the case you will need a medical assessment
Your consultant will wait and see what your body does, there is no pattern to how your bowels will react post reversal. I was able to go within 12 hours but sometimes it can take longer. you may also need to be prepared that your bowel movements may not be the same as pre surgery and you will not be discharged from hospital until your bowels are fully functioning
No its a much smaller operation just a few stitches. Yes there is some discomfort but nowhere near as the original operation. There is some pain when you first start opening your bowels where the intestine has been joined but this is temporary
It can take up to 18 months, but in my experience a couple of weeks
If your operation goes well and you feel ok and bowels have opened then just days, I was only in for 2 days, however everyones recovery is different
Within a couple weeks my bowels had settled but I felt exhausted. I was back to work within 7 weeks
Yes I was advised to eat whatever I wanted no restrictions, I had an ileostomy it may be different with patients with a colostomy
No unless you are wearing something and you can see the outline.
There is no reason why you can't be intimate with your partner and this is a personal decision. Your stoma nurse can support you through this and there are things you can try to make it more comfortable for you, e.g. tape the bag, wear a vest top or try different positions. For me I was was recovering from major surgery so being intimate
There is no reason why you can't be intimate with your partner and this is a personal decision. Your stoma nurse can support you through this and there are things you can try to make it more comfortable for you, e.g. tape the bag, wear a vest top or try different positions. For me I was was recovering from major surgery so being intimate wasn't really an option. Its so important to have support and understanding at home and partners need patience while you adjust to life with a stoma.
The first few weeks you maybe able to smell something although other people can’t. Often this is because your body is clearing itself out and once thats done there should be no smell at all even for you. Of course when you change that bag there will be but no different to going to the toilet and opening your bowels.
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